Forms and applications From requesting a change of address to applying for a licence, you'll find all of our forms in this directory. If you can't find a form, or need further help, call us on 1300 886 235 (Australia wide). On this page Update my details Account authority online applicationFormChange or verification of details: address and personal detailsForm Crown land searches Conveyancing search on Crown land online applicationFormCurrent tenure, road or historical land status search online applicationFormConveyancing search account billing formForm Crown roads Purchase a crown road online applicationFormTransfer a crown road online applicationFormCrown roads works: enquiry form (PDF, 121KB) Form Easements Apply to grant an easement online applicationFormApply to release of easement online applicationForm Enclosure Permits Alter an enclosure permit online applicationFormEnclose a Crown road online applicationFormTransfer an Enclosure Permit online applicationFormCancel an Enclosure Permit online applicationForm Environmental management Removal of s.77A restrictions on use of a former perpetual lease online applicationFormRemoval of s.77B subdivision/separate dealing restrictions on a former perpetual lease online applicationFormMinister's consent to lodge a subdivision/consolidation planForm Financial assistance Billing frequency change request online applicationFormCommunication licence rebate online applicationFormCommunity groups rebate online applicationFormLocal Council rebate online applicationFormPayment arrangement online applicationFormPensioner rebate online applicationFormRegistered clubs rebate online applicationForm Grants and funding opportunities In-principal support for other grant opportunities online applicationForm Institutional Trust Land Institutional private trust land online applicationFormInstitutional public trust land online applicationForm Market rent determination Object to a market rent redetermination online applicationForm Mining and exploration on Crown land Land access arrangement for mineral exploration application formFormMining lease compensation agreement online formForm Landowners consent Apply for landowners consent (PDF, 199 KB)FormApply for landowner's consent for domestic waterfront structures (PDF, 503 KB)Form Leases Apply for a leaseApply for a new lease online application formFormManage a leaseAlteration of purpose and/or conditionFormMinister's consent to mortgage a Crown land lease online applicationFormMinister's consent to transfer a Crown land lease by assignment or change of control online applicationFormMinister's consent to sublease a Crown land lease online applicationFormMinister's consent to sublicence a Crown land lease online applicationFormMinister's consent to transfer an existing sublease online applicationFormExemption from condition compliance online applicationFormMinister's consent to transfer a crown holding application (sale, sublease or mortgage) online applicationFormPurchasing Crown leasehold land to obtain freehold title online applicationFormSurrender of lease applicationFormManage a western lands leaseAddition to adjoining / adjacent western lands Lease online applicationFormConvert a term western lands lease to perpetuityFormExtension of term of a western lands leaseFormInstrument of surrender applicationFormMinister's consent to transfer a western lands leaseFormSubdivide a western lands Lease online applicationFormPurchasing a western lands Lease to obtain freehold title online applicationFormWaiver of Minister's consent to transfer a western lands leaseForm Licences Apply for a licenceNew general licence online applicationFormGrazing licence application online applicationFormApply for a grazing expression of interest (PDF, 231 KB)FormApply for a new domestic waterfront licence online applicationFormCommunication licence co-user (PDF, 66 KB)FormApply for a filming, events or short-term licence online applicationFormManage a licenceAlteration of purpose and condition application for a general licence online applicationFormRevocation existing tenure and issue new licence online applicationFormTerminate a licence online applicationFormTerminate a Telecommunications online applicationFormAutomatic transfer notification online applicationFormRevocation of existing domestic waterfront tenure and issue of a new licence online applicationFormDomestic waterfront water access only occupation area review online applicationFormSublicensing domestic waterfront berthing area online applicationFormAutomatic Transfer of a Domestic Waterfront LicenceFormAlteration of purpose and condition for a grazing licence (PDF, 109 KB)FormAlteration of purpose and condition for a domestic waterfront licence (PDF, 109 KB)Form Purchase or transfer a crown road Purchase a crown road online application FormTransfer a crown road online applicationForm Reserves Apply for reserves:statutory land manager board member (PDF, 165 KB)Form Sale of Crown land enquiry Sale of Crown land enquiryForm Water Boundary Determinations Water boundary determination online applicationForm