Crown Lands

Determine if land is Crown land or a Crown road

Find out if the land in which you have an interest in, is Crown land or a Crown road.

If you require the status of a waterway, please order a search on the status of Crown land.

You can conduct a search on the e-Planning Spatial Viewer. This will provide a property report that identifies the relevant:

  • Crown land or road
  • licence, lease or enclosure permit
  • local government area
  • planning zones
  • Crown reserve and purpose.

You can view or download the property report.

This is a preliminary search only. If your enquiry is in relation to an application for a road, licence or lease, the results may need to be confirmed by ordering a search on the status of Crown land.

Spatial Viewer guide

To search land details in the e-Planning Spatial Viewer, use a:

  • street address, or
  • lot number, or
  • DP (deposited plan) number to search for land details in the e-Planning Spatial Viewer.

Note: Crown roads do not have a street address or Lot/DP, you may need to use an adjacent Lot/DP to locate the area of interest.

Confirm the Crown land results

If required, to confirm the search results, Order a search on the status of Crown land.

Confirm the Crown road results

If required, to confirm the search results, Order a search on the status of Crown land.

Data disclaimer

The State of New South Wales (including the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure), the author and the publisher take no responsibility, and will accept no liability, for the accuracy, currency, reliability or correctness of any information included in the document (including material provided by third parties). Readers should make their own inquiries and rely on their own advice when making decisions related to material contained in this publication.