Before you submit a request
- This form should be used to request Ministers consent to lodge a plan of subdivision/consolidation.
- This request must be submitted by the registered title holder/s or a person authorised to submit on their behalf.
- Prepare any relevant supporting documents you may have to support your online request form.
Supporting documentation
- A Request for Ministers consent to lodge a plan of subdivision/consolidation consent form (PDF, 97 KB) signed by all title holders.
- A copy of the plan of subdivision/consolidation.
- Evidence of authority to act where applicable.
- Any other documentation in support of your request e.g. approved DA.
Important information about this form
- By selecting the Submit button, you have read and agreed to the department's privacy statement.
- The fields marked with an asterisk * are mandatory and must be completed in order to submit the form.
- After you have submitted your form, a copy of the application can be emailed to the address entered in the form or a copy can be saved or printed.