Crown Lands

Have your say on Berkeley boat harbour

We are working to deliver a boat harbour that meets the needs of the community.

Berkeley boat harbour aerial photo

We have been conducting feedback on the future of Berkeley boat harbour at Lake Illawarra as we start to develop a masterplan for the site.

Berkeley boat harbour is a popular area off Northcliffe Drive at the northern end of Lake Illawarra. The land is partly owned by Wollongong City Council and Crown Lands.

A survey was open from 11 August to 26 August 2022.

This was a chance for residents to have their say on what improvements they would like to see at the boat harbour to make it more user friendly and appealing.

Lake Illawarra is one of Wollongong’s most significant natural assets so improvements to this area will benefit the community as well as regional tourism.

Crown Lands is undertaking consultation in collaboration with Wollongong City Council.

Berkeley boat harbour currently includes a boat launching area, green open space for recreation and picnics, a beach area for families, car parking, and is home to Port Kembla Sailing Club and a commercial takeaway.

The area and its infrastructure require upgrades to better cater to the broad range of people that use the site and to provide more modern amenities.

Input from the survey will help inform a redesign of the harbour and its surrounds to provide a revitalised precinct with better functioning public spaces and facilities.

This could include potential upgrades to the boat ramp, jetty facilities, configuration of the car park, or other on-site amenities.

The masterplan will provide a blueprint for future improvements over time and will be used to inform funding bids from Crown Lands, Council or other sources.

A consultation outcomes report has been developed and is with the department for review. We will share the outcomes with the community following this review.