Crown Lands

Explanation of terms

Learn more about the types of Crown land activities and decisions

Types of Crown land activities and decisions

Crown land notifications and decisions relate to the following:

  • licences over Crown land
  • leases over Crown land
  • certain changes to Crown land reservations and dedications (including revocations of reserves or dedications and the removal or alteration of a “purpose” that land has been reserved or dedicated for)
  • vestings of Crown land to other government agencies or local councils
  • sales of Crown land
  • plans of management over Crown land
  • the state strategic plan for Crown land.

Levels of community engagement

Under the Strategy, community engagement on proposed activities is required at either an 'inform', 'consult' or 'participate' level. The level of engagement is based on the degree of impact a proposed activity would have on the community’s current use and enjoyment of the land.

Where notification is required by the Strategy, it will be published on this page.

If the notification indicates that engagement is required level of ‘consult’ or ‘participate’, then additional engagement must be carried out.

Visit Licence and lease opportunities for more information about current engagement activities at the ‘consult’ or ‘participate’ levels.

Notification period

In accordance with the Strategy, notices will be for a period of either 28 or 42 days. After the notification period is over it will no longer be available on this page.

Notification of decisions made

In accordance with the Strategy, this page also publishes notifications of recent decisions made. Notifications of decisions will be published on this page for 28 days.

Sales and leases

Information about proposed and completed sales and leases will be notified below. A quarterly report on sales and leasing history is also available on recent Leases and sales.