Crown Lands

Apply for an extractive industry licence

To operate a quarry to extract sand, soil or gravel from Crown land you will need an extractive industry licence.

Any new extractive industry licence will be offered by way of public competition, such as an expression of interest, unless circumstances warrant entering into direct negotiations.

Check your eligibility

  • Proposed site must be on Crown land
  • Development Consent from the local Council, or
  • Consent from the Minister for Planning (unincorporated area)

What you need to apply

Identify a suitable site to operate a quarry and extract sand, soil or gravel from Crown land

Check the ePlanning Spatial Viewer to confirm the land is Crown land, its lot/dp and zoning.

Using the menu options in the search field select address or lot/dp – enter the relevant information.

Payment methods

An invoice for the application fee of $576 will be sent to you when the application starts to be processed

Apply for an extractive industry licence

Contact our licences team to seek advice on obtaining a licence. 

[email protected]