Crown Lands

Mining lease compensation agreement online application

Before you apply

Prepare the supporting documents you may have to support your online application form.

Supporting documentation

  1. Mining lease compensation agreement consent form (PDF, 104 KB) signed by all the applicants.
  2. The mining lease grant and mining lease plan (or mining lease application and plan).
  3. A map of all the Crown land, Crown roads and waterways located within the prospecting title.
  4. A map showing approved Project Boundary with Mining Lease overlay, if available.
  5. A map showing the disturbance area, if available.
  6. Evidence of authority to act where application submitted by an authorised representative.

Application fee

You will be invoiced an application fee once your application is received.  Refer to Fees webpage for the current fee. There may be additional fees charged in the assessment process.

Important information about this form

  • By selecting the Submit button, you have read and agreed to the department's privacy statement.
  • The fields marked with an asterisk * are mandatory and must be completed to submit the form.
  • After you have submitted your form, a copy of the application can be emailed to the address entered in the form or a copy can be saved or printed.