Aboriginal land claims and native title
Applying to purchase a Crown road
Document | Format |
Applying to purchase a Crown road (PDF 244KB) | Fact sheet |
Compliance and enforcement
Document | Format |
Crown land compliance and enforcement (PDF, 379 KB) | Policy guidelines |
Greater powers to stop illegal activity on Crown Land (PDF, 418 KB) | Fact sheet |
Storing items on Crown land (PDF, 272 KB) | Fact sheet |
Crown land - your neighbour (PDF, 171 KB) | Fact sheet |
Compulsory acquisition
Document | Format |
Guideline - compulsory acquisition of Crown land (PDF, 575 KB) |
Guideline |
Crown roads and enclosure permits
Crown land searches
Document | Format |
Document | Format |
Fact sheet |
Document | Format |
Automatic transfers
Document | Format |
Automatic licence transfer (PDF, 4.2 MB) | Guideline |
Automatic licence transfer (PDF, 144 KB) | Guideline |
Domestic waterfront licences
Communication licences
Document | Format |
Co-locating on communication facilities on Crown land (PDF, 226 KB) | Fact sheet |
Communication licence rent (PDF, 196 KB) | Fact sheet |
Developing communication facilities on Crown land (PDF, 222 KB) | Fact sheet |
General licences
Document | Format |
Crown land licences (PDF, 144 KB) | FAQ |
Licensing of Crown land (PDF, 269 KB) | Guideline |
Grazing licences
Document | Format |
Grazing licence (PDF, 145 KB) | Fact sheet |
Short Term licences
Document | Format |
Short Term Licence (PDF, 257 KB) | Guideline |
Short Term Licence (PDF, 184 KB) | Fact sheet |
General leases
Western lands leases
Rent and debt management
Document | Format |
Crown land debt management (PDF, 398 KB) | Guideline |
Objection to market rent redetermination for Crown land tenures (PDF, 483 KB) | Guideline |