Lot details
The site comprises approx. 32.37 ha in the Parish of Copes Creek, County of Hardinge, at Tingha.
How to apply
Any person interested in this opportunity is invited to submit a proposal by following the instructions in the Grazing opportunity for Crown land at Tingha - information for applicants (PDF, 378 KB).
Grazing licence EOI application form (PDF, 158 KB) is used to apply for a grazing licence under the Crown Lands Management Act 2016. Note: All applications are considered on their own merits. A number of factors are considered prior to a determination being made on which method of allocation to use.
No guarantee can be given as to the outcome of any application under the provisions of the Crown Lands Management Act 2016. For more information, download the Grazing licence - Standard terms and conditions (PDF, 174 KB).
Closing date
For more information or enquiries, please contact Brendan Thomas, Property Services Officer:
- phone 02 6770 3106
- email brendan.thomas@crownland.nsw.gov.au or
- email armidale.crownlands@crownland.nsw.gov.au