A NSW Government website

Crown land construction, repairs and upgrades

Crown land 2031 State Strategic Plan (PDF, 3.7 MB) vision for NSW is that our community has high aspirations to derive better value from public land to support resilient and prosperous communities. 

The diversity and extent of the Crown estate means we will continue to play a lead role in land and asset management. Comprehensive planning, design, construction, and maintenance of structures will help to increase their life span, save money, and minimise impacts on Crown land reserves.

Current projects

Barraba Courthouse


  • Location: Queen Street, Barraba NSW 2347
  • Project investment: $270,000 excluding GST
  • Dates: 10 May to 30 June 2024
  • Times of work: weekdays from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm
  • Noise levels: medium, efforts to minimise impact

What we will be doing

  • Replacing the roof sheeting, gutters, downpipes, barge board, eaves boards, verandah posts, and gables with similar materials that match the original building.
  • Installing a new stormwater system and removing existing water tank shrubs.

What you can expect

  • Local Aboriginal contractors carrying out repairs to ensure the building is protected from the elements. This project is focused on maintenance, not renovation.
  • The provision of temporary fencing, safety signage, traffic control, and on-site amenities during the construction phase.
  • Limited access to the area temporarily.
  • Occasional noise.

Keeping up to date with our work

We will update this page as the project progresses.

To speak to an officer

Visit the Crown Lands contact us page and refer your enquiry to the Barraba Courthouse Repair project.

Location image

Old building of Court House front entrance and water tank on the side
Jettys by the Lake, Bank Stabilisation


  • Location: Jettys by the Lake, Lake Illawarra
  • Project investment: $500,000
  • Dates: August 2023 to April 2024
  • Times of work: weekdays from 7:30 am to 5:30 pm
  • Noise levels: low to medium, efforts to minimise impact

What we will be doing

  • Soil Conservation Services will be stockpiling rock materials and machinery on-site in preparation for the bank stabilisation works that will be completed in 2 phases.
  • Phase 1 works are expected to be completed by early November 2023. These works will include a mixture of bank stabilisation treatments along the southern end of the foreshore. Treatments will include rock work and vegetation planting.
  • Phase 2 works are expected to be finalised in April 2024. These works will include a mixture of vegetation planting and rock work along the northern end of the foreshore.
  • Both phases will involve the replacement of non-compliant and failing seawall components with compliant structures and materials including geofabric and granite rocks.

What you can expect

  • Soil Conservation Service and Jettys by the Lake management working together to coordinate the movement of materials and machinery to access the foreshore.
  • Temporary traffic management for the safety of our crew, users, and pedestrians. 
  • Some areas are fenced off from public access. No entry to these areas as we complete this work.
  • Occasional noise.

Related information

Keeping up to date with our work

We will update this page as the project progresses.

To speak to an officer

Visit the Crown Lands contact us page and refer your enquiry to the Jettys by the Lake, Bank Stabilisation project.


Jettys by the Lake
Mannering Park seawall

The current seawall at Mannering Park is reaching its end of life and threatens public access to the waterfront, footpath, cycleway, and council exercise equipment.

The new seawall will safeguard this very popular outdoor waterfront reserve. Locals and visitors to the neighbouring holiday park will be able to enjoy the area well into the future.

We aim to complete the works between February and June 2024 to reduce the impact on the neighbouring holiday park’s high-tourism season.


  • Location: Mannering Park on the foreshore of Lake Macquarie
  • Project investment: $600,000
  • Dates: February to July 2024
  • Times of work: weekdays from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm
  • Traffic and pedestrian changes
  • Noise levels: high at times, efforts to minimise impact

What we will be doing

Replacing approximately 100 m of the seawall at Mannering Park with a 2-course stepped sandstone block design.

What you can expect

  • A new seawall with a semi-natural appearance that provides adequate protection to the shoreline and wave energy dissipation.
  • Temporary traffic management for the safety of our crew, users, and pedestrians.
  • Impacted pathway and foreshore access to the area during the demolition and construction of the seawall.
  • Occasional noise.

Keeping up to date with our work

We will update this page as the project progresses.

To speak to an officer:

Visit the Crown Lands contact us page and refer your enquiry to the Mannering Park seawall project.


Mannering Park seawall - before image on the left and upgraded image on the right
Morpeth Railway Station and Cessnock School of Arts

As part of our State Strategic Plan (PDF, 3.7 MB), Crown Lands is focused on strengthening community connections with Crown land. This will be done by revitalising underutilised sites.

We are doing feasibility studies on potential future uses for both the Morpeth Railway Station and Cessnock School of Arts sites in the Hunter Valley.

Investigation into both sites is in its early stages. We have undertaken targeted preliminary consultation through stakeholder surveys for each site. This initial feedback will help inform the options reports.

Further community consultation on the future of the sites will occur once the reports are completed and ready for feedback.

We will keep stakeholders informed via this webpage as the projects progress.

Site access works – 17 Denison Street, Gloucester


  • Location: 17 Denison Street, Gloucester
  • Project investment: $30,000.
  • Dates: November to December 2023
  • Times of work: weekdays from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm
  • Noise levels: moderate during site clean-up, efforts to minimise impact

What we will be doing

  • Bracing windows and doors and securing the entry points to the buildings.
  • Installing new padlocks to increase security.
  • General site maintenance including landscaping and removal of general waste.

What you can expect

  • Temporary traffic management for the safety of our crew, users, and pedestrians.
  • Temporarily impacted access to the area.
  • Moderately noise.

Keeping up to date with our work

We will update this page as the project progresses.

To speak to an officer:

Visit the Crown Lands contact us page and refer your enquiry to the Site access works – 17 Denison Street, Gloucester project.

Location image

Site access works at Gloucester
Removal of boardwalk, Wairo Beach


  • Location: Lake Tabourie, Shoalhaven
  • Project investment: $241,000
  • Dates: May 2024 to July 2024
  • Times of work: weekdays from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm
  • Noise levels: medium, efforts to reduce impact

What we will be doing

  • Removing the old boardwalk at Wairo Beach.
  • Installing a fence and a sand ladder to help people get to the beach safely.
  • Keeping the beach and birds that live there safe while we work.

What you can expect

  • An additional path to the beach to be used during works. This path is not regularly maintained and may have steep slopes and uneven ground.
  • Occasional noise.

Keeping up to date with our work

We will update this page as the project progresses.

To speak to an officer

Visit the Crown Lands contact us page and refer your enquiry to the Removal of boardwalk, Wairo Beach project

Location image

Wario Beach
The Coast Senior Centre Heritage Building Repair Works

The project aims to address the structural issues and preserve the heritage value of The Coast Senior Centre, which is a former hospital ward and part of the Prince Henry Hospital Precinct.


  • Location: The Coast Senior Centre, 1 Darwin Avenue, Little Bay, NSW
  • Project investment: $660,000 excluding GST
  • Dates: March 2024 to July 2024
  • Times of work: weekdays from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm
  • Noise levels: medium, efforts to minimise impact

What we will be doing

  • Replacing verandah floor topping.
  • Repairs and treatment of corrosion to concrete spalling on the underside of the slab.
  • Installation of new control joints and repairs to existing joints in brickwork and render.
  • Concrete crack repairs to slabs.
  • Repointing of brickwork and replacement of individual heritage bricks where required.
  • Repair of all defective render, concrete, and mortar to external walls, columns, and balustrades.
  • External cleaning and painting of verandahs including render, columns, balustrades, stair handrails, and ceilings.
  • Minor drainage improvements to prevent future water ingress.

What you can expect

  • Remedial works to the concrete spalling, facade, walls, and other elements of the building, based on the recommendations of an independent engineering assessment and a heritage consultant.
  • Improved safety and appearance of the building and preservation of the asset for community benefit and tenant satisfaction.
  • Minimal impacts or disruptions to the building users, tenants, and neighbours during the construction phase.
  • Temporary traffic management for the safety of our crew, users, and pedestrians.
  • Temporarily impacted access to the area.
  • Occasional noise during these works.

Keeping up to date with our work

We will update this page as the project progresses.

To speak to an officer

Visit the Crown Lands contact us page and refer your enquiry to the The Coast Senior Centre Heritage Building Repair Works.

Location image

The Coast Senior Centre Heritage Building Repair Works

Completed projects

Apple Tree Glen Bridge, Burrapine replacement

Apple Tree Glen bridge is frequently affected by floodwaters and has deteriorated to a very poor condition.

This is a complex and carefully managed project that requires expertise in engineering, construction, and project management. Safety is our top concern at every stage to protect the construction crews and the public.


  • Location: Apple Tree Glen, Burrrapine
  • Project investment: $1,328,550 excluding GST
  • Dates: December 2023 to June 2024

What was done

  • Constructed a new bridge at a higher ground level capable of withstanding a 1 in 2000 critical flood event.

What we gained

  • Safe and reliable access for residents, emergency services, and primary producers.
  • Ensured that the area was restored and handed over to Nambucca Valley Council for ongoing maintenance at the end of the project.

To speak to an officer

Visit the contact us page and refer your enquiry to the Apple Tree Glen Bridge, Burrapine replacement project.

Location image

Apple Tree Glen Bridge
Penrose Park


  • Location: Silverton
  • Project investment: $2.5 million
  • Dates: 15 December 2022 to 31 August 2023

What was done

  • Implemented works identified in the Penrose Park Master Plan.
  • Upgraded a select number of existing amenities, including the replacement of 4 amenities blocks that were approaching the end of their life and 3 new amenities blocks.

What we gained

  • Replaced old units with modern prefabricated designs to enhance the visitor experience and increase the appeal of the reserve for overnight camping stays and day-use activities.
  • Improved the safety and amenity at Penrose Park to offer more camping options and revitalised existing buildings and infrastructure.
  • Kept the park open to campers during construction works due to the large size of the site (80 hectares). 

To speak to an officer:

Visit the Crown Lands contact us page and refer your enquiry to the Penrose Park Bridge project.

Location image

Penrose Park upgrade
Richmond River revetment


  • Location: West Ballina
  • Project investment: $215,000 excluding GST
  • Dates: February 2024 to June 2024

What was done

  • Completed works to secure a section of the Crown road revetment wall along the foreshore of the Richmond River between Kimi Park and Paringa Park.
  • Removed concrete structures (boat ramps and driveways) from the Crown public road due to the current river revetment wall being in a state of disrepair.
  • Did not replace boat ramps and driveways, adhering to the Domestic Waterfront Licences Guidelines (PDF, 1,446 KB).
  • Implemented measures to minimise environmental impacts, such as sediment runoff and disturbance to local wildlife during onsite construction works.

What we gained

  • Created a safer area for public access.
  • Improved Crown land for the use of the community.
  • Protected neighbouring homes and waterways. 

To speak to an officer:

Visit the contact us page and refer your enquiry to the Richmond River revetment project.

Location image

Aerial view of before and after images of upgrading retaining wall to houses on Richmond River