Crown Lands

Urunga Wetlands

Aerial view of footbridge over wetlands.

The Urunga Wetlands site is now a valuable community space following a $10 million program of extensive remediation and parkland work. It has been transformed from a once barren wasteland to a lively wetland habitat.

After assessing the potential danger, the department put together a remediation action plan for the Urunga antimony contaminated site on the mid-north coast. We worked with the Environment Protection Authority and other stakeholders to ensure the project was a success.

A great destination for locals and visitors to the region, the site has a 150 m boardwalk allowing people to walk over the wetland and a 450 m walking track surrounding the park. The remediation effort has resulted in a significant improvement to the water quality of the wetland and a recovery in habitat for wildlife.

For more information download the Urunga Wetlands fact sheet (PDF, 1.6 MB).