A NSW Government website

Tracks and trails upgrades and development

The Crown land 2031 State Strategic Plan (PDF, 3.7 MB) vision for NSW is that our community has high aspirations to derive better value from public land to support resilient and prosperous communities. This includes prioritising the identification, protection, and expansion of environmental assets on Crown land, as well as expanding green and open space and promoting activities that build climate resilience.

There is a wide range of tracks and trails across NSW Crown land. Each year hundreds of thousands of walkers enjoy the tracks and trails we manage. We are maintaining the trails for walker safety and enjoyment so our community can be confident that our trails are being actively managed to maintain or improve safety and enjoyment.

The following projects are funded by the NSW Government to keep the trails in a safe condition and renew some aging visitor infrastructure including steps, toilets, and track surfaces.

Walkers may be inconvenienced during the works with minor track diversions in place. Please obey any signage on site. If you are planning a long-distance walk, phone 1300 886 235.

Current projects

Bowtells Swing Bridge Refurbishment

The involvement of local landholders in the Bowtells Swing Bridge Refurbishment project is appreciated and acknowledged.


  • Location: Six Foot Track (between Jenolan and Katoomba NSW)
  • Project investment: $970,000 excluding GST
  • Dates: May 2024 to August 2024
  • Times of work: weekdays from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm and Saturdays from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm
  • Noise levels: medium, efforts to minimise impact

What we will be doing

  • Replacing the Bowtells Swing Bridge as a crucial river crossing along the Six Foot Track. Engineering assessments in March 2022 indicated the need for immediate replacement.
  • Improving safety, maintaining historical value, and ensuring minimal disruption to walkers while enhancing the iconic Six Foot Track experience.
  • Providing a secure alternative route during floods, minimising risks associated with the original river crossing.
  • Transitioning from a V-shaped to a U-shaped configuration, allowing up to 5 people to access the bridge at once.
  • Upgrading anchor and cable sizes for increased stability.
  • Preserving the bridge’s original character and historical significance without requiring a Statement of Heritage Impact.

What you can expect

  • Temporary vehicle and pedestrian management measures in place for the safety of our crew, users, and pedestrians.
  • Access to the alternative crossing via Cox's River will remain open.
  • No entry to the river crossing during times of flood. For more information regarding the alternate crossing of Cox's River, read Six Foot Track.
  • Occasional noise.

Keeping up to date with our work

We will update this page as the project progresses.

To speak to an officer

Visit the Crown Lands contact us page and refer your enquiry to the Bowtells Swing Bridge Refurbishment.

Location image 

Bowtells Bridge
Fivebough Wetlands Reserve upgrade

The Fivebough Wetlands Reserve maintenance project is a commitment to preserving the area's natural beauty and cultural heritage. This year's focus includes essential repairs and educational enhancements.

We have worked closely with the Leeton and District Local Aboriginal Land Council to ensure that the new signs at Fivebough Wetlands reflect the rich Aboriginal heritage of the area. Our efforts to upgrade the signage at Fivebough Wetlands include dual naming with input from the local Aboriginal community, ensuring that the cultural heritage is respectfully recognised.

We are proud to have collaborated with a local artist from Wiradyuri Country, who has contributed beautiful artwork and Dreamtime stories to the project.


  • Location: near Leeton, NSW
  • Project investment: $651,000
  • Dates: May 2024 to November 2024
  • Times of work: weekdays from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm
  • Noise levels: low, high at times, efforts to minimise impact

What we will be doing

  • Removing and replacing damaged stock fence.
  • Resurfacing and repairing erosion on the north walking track.
  • Adjusting the Brolga statues.
  • Installing new navigational and educational signage.

What you can expect

  • Certain areas of the walking tracks and bird hides will be closed during the construction period.
  • The Brolga bird hide, the Wiradjuri walk, the picnic area, public toilets, and the car park will remain open for public use.
  • Temporary traffic management for the safety of our crew, users, and pedestrians.
  • Occasional noise.

Keeping up to date with our work

We will update this page as the project progresses.

To speak to an officer

Visit the Crown Lands contact us page and refer your enquiry to the Fivebough Wetlands Reserve Upgrade

Location image

3 images: sunset over lake, birds flying over lake and close up of bird looking for fish in lake
Gosangs Tunnel and Mermaids Inlet reopening

Abrahams Bosom is a coastal peninsula reserve at Currarong on the NSW South Coast, offering diverse attractions for visitors such as walking tracks, inlet beaches, Aboriginal heritage sites, coastal viewing spots, and unique geological formations like Gosangs Tunnel and Mermaids Inlet.

In June 2022, Gosangs Tunnel and Mermaids Inlet were closed due to concerns about potential geological risks, prompting a geotechnical risk assessment. Although no incidents had occurred, proactive measures were deemed necessary to ensure public safety.

The majority of risks are associated with the Gosang Tunnel entrance and exit. Remedial works will enable the reopening of Gosangs Tunnel, with ongoing inspections to ensure continued safety and effectiveness of the mitigation measures. While risks cannot be eliminated, they can be reduced to acceptable levels through these measures.

The chosen remedial works will create long-lasting benefits that minimise the need for regular funding requests for risk management at the site. All safety precautions in the remediation process will be in place for our contractors, the community, and the environment.


  • Location: Currarong
  • Project investment: $644,844.70 including GST
  • Dates: May 2024 to July 2024.
  • Times of work: weekdays from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm
  • Noise levels: high, efforts to minimise impact

What we will be doing

  • Implementing remedial actions like rock bolting, propping, signage, fencing, and scaling at Abrahams Bosom to mitigate geological risks.
  • Conducting ongoing inspections to ensure the safety and effectiveness of these measures at Gosangs Tunnel and Mermaids Inlet.

What you can expect

  • No entry to the sites until they are deemed safe.
  • Temporary traffic management for the safety of our crew, users, and pedestrians.
  • Noisy work at times.
  • A review of the planned works for Mermain Inlet on the impact on the marine environment which may cause delays. 
  • The environmental assessment for the works to reopen Gosangs Tunnel found no negative effects and will go ahead.

Keeping up to date with our work

We will update this page as the project progresses.

To speak to an officer

Visit the Crown Lands contact us page and refer your enquiry to the Gosangs Tunnel and Mermaids Inlet reopening project.

Location image

Gosangs Tunnel

Completed projects

Bridle Track, Root Hog Toilets


  • Location: Root Hog Reserve, Bridle Track via Bathurst, NSW
  • Investment: $138,991 excluding GST
  • Dates: January 2023 to October 2023

What was done

  • Installation of a dual-unit prefabricated cubicle toilet, including a self-contained waste system and a water tank, as a new facility. Root Hog Reserve was the last to have primitive camping facilities installed along the Bridle Track.
  • Installation of a reserve management sign.

What we gained

  • New toilet infrastructure improving the visitor experience for day trips and camping.
  • Enabled increased reserve use.
  • Reduced need for campers to be self-contained.
  • Consistent facilities at all Crown-managed reserves along the Bridle Track. 

To speak to an officer

Visit the Crown Lands contact us page and refer your enquiry to the Bridle Track, Root Hog Toilets project.

Location image

Before after image of the Root Hog Toilets at Bridle Track.