Crown Lands

Forest Permits (Apiary Sites) on Crown lands

Beekeeping and apiary activities on Crown land may be permissible on suitable parcels of Crown land under a Forest Permit for Apiary Site(s), administered by the Department of Primary Industry on behalf of the Forestry Corporation of NSW. Forest permits are granted under the Forestry Act 2012.

Where the activities are to be carried out on Crown land, the approval of the minister must be sought via an application to the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure – Crown Lands for Minister’s Approval to Lodge Forest Permit (Apiary Site) Application.

There is no requirement for an additional licence or permit under the Crown Land Management Act 2016.

For further information on obtaining a Forest Permit (Apiary Sites) and any applicable fees or processes relating to the application, visit Beekeeping on Crown Lands in NSW.

A new process is coming

Due to legislative changes, Crown Lands cannot accept applications for minister’s consent to keep bees on Crown land. Apiarists are also unable to apply for a forest permit for apiary site(s) on Crown land.

The development of a new process is underway and updates will be available here soon.