Crown Lands

Mining and exploration on Crown land

To explore or mine minerals in NSW, mining and exploration companies need an exploration licence, assessment lease, or mining lease from NSW Resources. Once granted, they must arrange land access or compensation agreements with all landholders, including Crown Lands.

Crown Lands manages Crown land under the Crown Land Management Act 2016 (NSW) (CLM Act). Other NSW Government agencies, local councils, appointed Crown land managers or lease / licence holders also manage Crown land on our behalf. Sometimes, more than one landholder might exist for a piece of Crown land.

To make things efficient, all proposed exploration and mining activities on Crown land should be checked by us first. This helps identify the right landholder of the Crown land.

Crown land status search

Mining and exploration companies can request a Crown land status search to identify landholders. This service is available for a fee, and applications can be made on the order a search on the status of Crown land page.

Exploration and mining titles

We recognise a prospecting or mining title under the Mining Act 1992 as a transaction under the CLM Act. You do not need additional approval if activities follow the title's conditions. You must get approval for all activities through exploration access arrangements or mining compensation agreements. Apply through the links below:

1. Exploration land access arrangement

A prospecting title allows mineral exploration but does not grant automatic land entry, so an access arrangement is required. A draft standard access arrangement will be provided after an application has been lodged. Apply online for an exploration land access arrangement:

Exploration land access arrangement

2. Mining compensation agreements

A mining title allows mining but does not grant automatic land entry, so a compensation agreement is required. A draft standard access agreement will be provided after an application has been lodged. Apply online for a mining compensation agreement:

Mining compensation agreement

Note: We will perform a status search as part of an application for an exploration land access arrangement or mining compensation agreement and may let you know of the landholder for each parcel of Crown land.

Role of Crown Lands

Crown Lands will negotiate with mining and exploration companies where we are the landholder, aiming to finalise negotiations within 28 days, depending on:

  • The quality and timing of documents provided
  • Terms of the proposed arrangement or agreement
  • Type and extent of exploration or mining activities and current land use
  • Number of stakeholders affected
  • Potential loss of access for others with an interest in the land.

As a landholder, Crown Lands is entitled to compensation for any loss due to exploration or mining activities, with compensation negotiated on a case-by-case basis.