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Proposed lease of Crown land at Dolans Bay by direct negotiation

Crown Lands is undertaking community consultation for the proposed lease of Crown land located at Parthenia Street, Dolans Bay NSW.

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What’s happening at the site

Crown Lands is considering the lease of Crown land by direct negotiation to the existing tenant who is also the adjoining freehold landowner.

Part of the land is currently held under licence by the existing tenant (shown by blue shaded area in the above diagram) who operates the site as a commercial marina.

The existing tenant intends to expand the footprint of the marina for additional berths and is seeking a new Crown land lease, which will cover the proposed expanded area (the area shown by red shading in the above diagram).

Community feedback

Before decisions are made that change the use of Crown land, we engage with the community to obtain their views about their current use and enjoyment of the land.

For this site, the community is invited to provide feedback on the lease of the land only, noting the proposed expanded footprint.

Development process

Any expansion of infrastructure at the site is subject to planning approval. This is a different and separate process to granting the lease.

This means that prior to the proposed lease being issued by Crown Lands (over the expanded area), the applicant will need to obtain planning approval for the proposed development through the Development Application (DA) process, which will be lodged with Sutherland Shire Council for assessment and likely determined by the Sydney South Planning Panel.  Any questions concerning the planning process should be directed to the Council.

Community consultation is part of the planning (DA) process.  The community will be provided more details and given the opportunity to comment / make submissions regarding the proposed development. 

Frequently asked questions

Where is the proposed Crown land lease located?

The land is located below the high-water mark fronting Lot 3 in SP 72918, at 72 Parthenia Street, Dolans Bay, NSW 2229. It adjoins the existing marina. (See diagram below).

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Diagram – The red shading shows the indicative boundary of the proposed lease. The blue outline shows the existing licence boundary.

What is the Crown land currently used for?

Part of the land is currently held under licence by the existing tenant (who is also the adjoining landowner and applicant). The tenant currently operates the site as a commercial marina.

Why is Crown Lands proposing to lease the land?

We were approached by the existing tenant with a proposal to expand the footprint of the existing marina to accommodate additional berths and provide improved privately funded infrastructure on Crown land.

What are we asking the community to consider?

Before decisions are made that change the use of Crown land, we engage with the community to get their views about their current use and enjoyment of the land.

For this site, the community is invited to provide feedback on the lease of the land only, noting the proposed expanded footprint.

There will be a separate consultation process once the Development Application (DA) is lodged for the expanded marina. This consultation will be conducted by Sutherland Shire Council.

How will the area covered by the proposed lease be changed?

Before Crown Lands issues a new lease to cover the expanded area, the existing tenant will need to obtain planning approval via a DA for the proposed expansion to the marina. This is a separate process to the lease consultation and will be done by Sutherland Shire Council.

The DA process requires community consultation be undertaken as part of the planning application process, and the community will be given the opportunity to comment/make submissions about the proposed marina expansion at this time.

When will Crown Lands make a decision about the lease?

A decision will be made following the 28-day consultation period, once the Department has reviewed all comments and feedback provided by the community and stakeholders. This is in line with the Crown Lands Community Engagement Strategy.

There is no guarantee that the proposed lease will progress.

Why are you consulting on the lease before the planning application (DA) has been lodged?

The applicant needs to apply for the lease to be able to lodge the (separate, but interdependent) planning application (DA). This is part of the ‘planning pathway’ for the proposed redevelopment of the marina.

We are consulting with the community on the issue of the lease now, noting that only if planning approval is obtained, will a lease be granted.

Have your say

Please quote reference number 20/01881#05 in the subject of any correspondence to ensure that we can direct your submission to the right place for consideration.

If you are sending a submission via post, please allow enough time for it to be received before the closing time and date.

Feedback on this proposal can be provided by:

  • Completing the online submission form
  • Sending a written submission via Australia Post to:  Leasing – Crown Lands, PO Box 2185, DANGAR NSW 2309.

Closing date

Submissions close at 11:59pm, Friday 4 April 2025.

Important: note that submissions may be published on the Department’s website unless marked as confidential.

Community Engagement Strategy

Engagement on this proposed lease is a requirement of the Community Engagement Strategy. The Strategy has been developed by the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure to set an open and transparent framework for engaging the community about important decisions on Crown land. The Strategy acknowledges that needs vary between communities, and that a range of engagement approaches may be required to ensure community views are understood before important decisions are made.

Learn more about the Community Engagement Strategy.

Next steps

All community feedback is valued by the Department. Your feedback will be considered in making a decision about this proposed lease.

The final decision will be published on this page.