Crown Lands

Communication licence rebate online application

Before you apply

  1. This application must be submitted by the licence holder/applicant or a person authorised to submit on their behalf.
  2. Please read the guidelines to ensure you meet the criteria to be eligible for a rebate – Guideline - Crown land financial concessions (PDF, 529 KB) - see Communication licence section.
  3. Use the free ePlanning Spatial Viewer to check that the land is Crown land and identify the relevant Lot/DPs
  4. Prepare the supporting documents you may have to support your online application form.

How to use the ePlanning Spatial Viewer

Supporting documentation

  • Audited financial statements including funding and expenditure details where rebate is being claimed under a community group or local service provider, if applicable
  • Evidence of authority to act where applicable

Important information about this form

  • By selecting the Submit button, you have read and agreed to the department's Privacy statement.
  • The fields marked with an asterisk * are mandatory and must be completed in order to submit the form.
  • After you have submitted your form, a copy of the application can be emailed to the address entered in the form or a copy can be saved or printed.