Overview of infrastructure projects
To ensure our coastline is managed and developed appropriately, local councils develop coastal zone management plans (CZMP) and coastal management programs (CMP). The department reviews these plans to make sure Crown land is sustainable and protected for future use.

Meadowbank rail bridge was built in 1886 and used for heavy rail crossing the Parramatta River. NSW Roads and Maritime Services decommissioned the rail bridge in 1980.
The bridge is now used as a shared cycle and walkway between Rhodes and Meadowbank, as well as providing a structure to support a vital 132kV power main.
The bridge is listed on the State Heritage Register but was in poor condition and required urgent repairs.
The department worked with successful tenderer to come up with innovative ideas to work around rail corridor constraints, such as limited excavation. The result was a modified approach lighting design which incorporates raised concrete plinths, which act as a bench and USB charging station.
Solar lighting on the bridge has been installed to address public safety concerns and works to repair the bridge structure are schedule for completion by late 2018.
There are 169 showgrounds on Crown land in NSW which accounts for 80% of all showgrounds in NSW. Out of the showgrounds on Crown land, 45% are managed by volunteer reserve trust boards, 45% by local councils and 10% by show societies or the department.
Some are joint showground and racecourses and all are important for local and regional communities and economies.
Collectively the showgrounds portfolio is worth some $400 million (land and buildings) and it is estimated that over 50 different types of community activities take place at showgrounds.
A pilot condition assessment for a small sample of sites found that overall the trusts were maintaining their sites in fair condition, but that the infrastructure is aging and it is timely to consider the purpose and function of buildings and sites that have reached the end of their useful life.