A NSW Government website

Apply for a general licence

A licence is an authority granted by Crown Lands and gives permission to occupy and use Crown land for a specified purpose/s. If you are granted a licence it does not provide you with exclusive use and possession of the land.

A general licence is used if there are multiple purposes that the licence is needed for or because the grazing, access and events, film and short-term licences are not applicable.

The department issues licences to individuals, companies, and community organisations for several purposes, including:

  • pipelines
  • irrigation
  • site investigations
  • structures
  • wind farms
  • community facilities
  • storage of bulk materials
  • solar farms

Where substantial development involving significant capital investment is involved, a lease may be more appropriate.

Most licences can be granted under direct negotiation arrangements. If the application does not meet the direct negotiation criteria, the licence may also be granted through expressions of interest. The competitive process is used when the Crown land may be of interest and of use to several parties.

Check your eligibility

  • The proposed site must be on Crown land 
  • Anyone aged 18 years or older 

The activity cannot be licensed as:  

  • filming, events and short-term 
  • grazing 

How your application will be assessed

Crown Lands considers each application received on its merits and will assess the application against the following: 

  • related policies and guidelines 
  • land assessment requirements 
  • Aboriginal land claims 
  • native title 
  • site inspection 
  • development consent 
  • valuation 
  • current land use and condition.

What you need to apply

What you need

Check the ePlanning Spatial Viewer to confirm the land is Crown land, its lot/dp and zoning.

Using the menu options in the search field select address or lot/dp – enter the relevant information.

Select land application map from the menu on the right side of the screen to access the local environment plan (LEP).

You must check:

  • lot/section/dp numbers are correct
  • if the LEP requires a development application.

You will need to provide:

  • a site diagram including site location, boundary fencing (where grazing is a purpose), existing structures including pipelines and pump sites
  • photos of existing structures, if applicable
  • if a development application is required a copy of the development consent must be lodged with the application. You may also need to provide a Crown land consent to lodge an application with the local government authority or planning NSW. Please contact us for more information.

If your proposal involves building a new structure or changing the physical landscape of the Crown land, you will also need to provide:

If you are applying on behalf of a company, it must be a current registered company with an Australian Company Number (ACN). You will need to provide a recent company search (from the Australian Securities and Investments Commission) which lists company officeholders (directors and secretaries) and authorised signatories.

If you are applying on behalf of an incorporated association, you will need to provide a copy of the Certificate of Incorporation (from NSW Fair Trading) and minutes showing elected office bearers.

Sole traders or partnerships must apply under their individual names.

Licences are subject to several conditions, which are set out in the licence agreement. Additional special conditions may be included that relate to the purpose of the licence to provide specific environmental protection.

Licence conditions outline the duty and responsibilities of a licence holder and, as with any contract, the conditions also make clear the rights of both the licensee (you) and the landlord (Crown Lands).


We will send an invoice for any fees after we receive your application. Once you pay the application fee, we will process your application.

Most licences require an annual rent based on current market value. You will be informed of the amount after your application is reviewed.

How to apply

When you submit an application for a new licence, you must complete the application form in full and submit all required documentation.

Apply online

The quickest and easiest way to get your application processed is to use the online form.

If you are unable to use it, complete the PDF version: New licence application (PDF, 269 KB)