Crown Lands

Apply for a new general licence online

Before you apply

  1. Use the free ePlanning Spatial Viewer to check:
    1. that the land is Crown land
    2. if you need development consent for your proposed activity under the council’s Local Environmental Plan – or contact your local council
  2. Identify if the land is subject to an Aboriginal land claim.  A search on the Claim register may be made to the Office of the Registrar (Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 NSW). Download the Request for search of land claim register form.
  3. Prepare the supporting documents you will need to complete the application.

How to use the ePlanning Spatial Viewer

View instructions on how to use the ePlanning Spatial Viewer

Supporting documentation

  1. A site diagram including site location, boundary fencing (where grazing is a purpose), existing structures including pipelines and pump sites
  2. If your proposal involves building a new structure or changing the physical landscape of the Crown land:
  3. Letter of consent from the Local Aboriginal Land Council or NSW Aboriginal Land Council if the land is subject to an Aboriginal land claim. A request for a search of the Land Claim Register may be made to the Office of the Registrar (Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 NSW)
  4. Photographs of any existing structures
  5. Evidence of authority to act where applicable
  6. A recent company search where the applicant is a Company with an ACN/ABN which lists company officeholders (directors and secretaries)
  7. A certificate of incorporation (from NSW Fair Trading) and minutes showing elected office bearers where the applicant is an incorporated association

Next steps

  • An application fee is required for a new licence. An invoice for the application fee will be sent to you once the application starts to be processed.
  • For further information please refer to the NSW Department of Planning & Environment – Crown Lands website. Crown Lands - Application Fees and Rents
  • Applications with missing information will not be accepted and will be returned for your completion.
  • All applications are considered on their own merits. Licences may be granted by way of a competitive process or through direct negotiation. No guarantee can be given as to the outcome of any application under the provisions of the Crown Land Management Act 2016.

Important information about this form

  • By selecting the Submit button, you have read and agreed to the department's privacy statement.
  • The fields marked with an asterisk * are mandatory and must be completed in order to submit the form.
  • After you have submitted your form, a copy of the application can be emailed to the address entered in the form or a copy can be saved or printed.