The former Department of Planning and Environment, Crown Lands is seeking community feedback on theproposedtransfer of Crown land at Gourlay Avenue, Balgowlah and 18 Bolingbroke Parade, Fairlight, to Transport for NSW.

Credit: Crownview - Nearmap Imagery
The Crown land proposed for transfer is located above the high water mark (shaded in red) and forms part of the existing Manly Boatshed, identified as Lot 2699 in Deposited Plan 752035, and Davis Marina, identified as Lot 1 in Deposited Plan 793093. The lands below the high water mark (shaded in yellow) are currently leased to the operators by Transport for NSW.
The businesses operating at Manly Boatshed and Davis Marina currently have leases with both Crown Lands and Transport for NSW.
The proposed transfer of Crown Land to Transport for NSW forms part of a broader land exchange program designed to simplify the operating model for leases on government owned land by consolidating ownership under a single NSW Government landlord.
Have your say
Please quote reference number 20/08219#03 in the subject of any correspondence to ensure the department can direct your submission to the right place for consideration.
If you are sending a submission via post please allow enough time for it to be received before the closing time and date.
Feedback on this proposal can be provided by:
- Completing the online submission form
- Sending a written submission via Australia Post to: Leasing – Crown Lands, PO Box 2155, DANGAR NSW 2309.
Closing date
Submissions close at midnight Monday 4 September 2023.
Important:note that all submissions will be published on the department’s website unless marked as confidential.
Community Engagement Strategy
Engagement on this proposed transfer is a requirement of the Community Engagement Strategy. The Strategy has been developed by the former Department of Planning and Environment to set an open and transparent framework for engaging the community about important decisions on Crown land. The Strategy acknowledges that needs vary between communities, and that a range of engagement approaches may be required to ensure community views are understood before important decisions are made.
Learn more about the Community Engagement Strategy.
Next steps
All community feedback is valued by the department. Your feedback will be considered in making a decision about this proposed transfer.
The final decision will be published on this page and on What’s Happening in Your Area notification page of this website.
Frequently asked questions
The Crown land is identified as Lot 2699 in Deposited Plan 752035 which is part of the existing Manly Boatshed premises at Fairlight, and Lot 1 in Deposited Plan 793093 which forms part of the existing Davis Marina at Balgowlah.
The lands above the high water mark are currently held under lease from Crown Lands and the lands below the high water mark are held under lease from Transport for NSW.
The businesses operating at Manly Boatshed and Davis Marina currently have leases with both Crown Lands and Transport for NSW.
The proposed transfer of Crown Land to Transport for NSW forms part of a broader land exchange program designed to simplify the operating model for leases on government owned land by consolidating ownership under a single NSW Government landlord.
The lands will continue to be used under leases from Transport for NSW.
The department must follow the steps outlined in the Community Engagement Strategy. A decision be made following the 28-day consultation period once the department has reviewed comments and feedback provided by the community and stakeholders.
The notification period for this proposed dealing is 28 days, commencing from Monday 7 August 2023 and closing at midnight on Monday 4 September 2023.
You can view the notification on the department’s website at What's happening in my area – Notifications.
The department encourages public submissions during this time. See below for more information making a public submission.
Community members can provide feedback by completing the online submission form.
You can also send a written submission via Australia Post to the Department of Planning and - Crown Lands at PO Box 2185, Dangar NSW 2309.
Please ensure you include reference number 20/08219#03 in your submission so it may be directed to the correct person.
The department will review and evaluate all feedback received during the 28-day notification period with an emphasis on the impact of the proposed transfer on the community’s current use and enjoyment of the Crown land.
If the community raises issues that were unknown to the department, we may need to engage further prior to making a final decision.
For more information on the engagement strategy, go to Community Engagement Strategy.
The final outcomes and decision of the proposed lease will be published on the department’s webpage once a final decision is made.
All who make a submission will be informed of the decision once it has been made.