Filming licence
We support the creative industries in NSW by making our diverse and scenic Crown land available to filmmakers and photographers wherever possible. If you are planning to undertake any filming or still photography on Crown land you will need a short-term licence. Filmmakers and photographers should submit a short-term licence application to film on Crown land with as much notice as possible prior to your proposed filming schedule. We regulate film production to make sure these activities are carried out in a safe manner. It also ensures there is minimal disruption to local residents, businesses and other Crown land users.
Short-term licences may be granted for the temporary use and/or occupation of Crown land for a period of up to 12 months.
The filming, events and short-term licence is used for the following activities listed below:
- Access through a reserve
- advertising
- camping using a tent, caravan or otherwise
- catering
- community, training or education
- emergency occupation
- entertainment
- environmental protection, conservation or restoration or environmental studies
- equestrian events
- exhibitions
- filming
- functions
- hiring of equipment
- holiday accommodation
- markets
- meetings
- military exercises
- mooring of boats to wharves or other structures
- sales
- shows
- site investigations
- sporting and organised
- recreational activities
- stabling of horses
- storage
Short-term licenses are granted for purposes that are less than 12 months. If you are looking at more than 12 months, you may need a general license.
While licensees are permitted to use the land for the specified purpose, the land may also need to remain available for public use
A short-term licence does not grant the licence holder exclusive possession and use of the Crown land. The Crown retains exclusive possession and may grant more than one licence over the same parcel of land, depending on the purpose and/or term of the licences.
Check your eligibility
- The licence is required for one of the specified short-term licence activities
- The duration the licence is required for is no greater than 12 months
How your application will be assessed
Applications are classified as either a 1A or 1B licence application.
1A short-term licences are issued to volunteer or community groups, individuals or emergency service organisations, seeking temporary use and/or occupation of Crown land to carry out or facilitate environmental, community or training activities.
1A short-term licences are most appropriate where community, environmental and/or health or safety benefits exist and the activity meets the following criteria:
- temporary/short-term occupation
- minimal impact on existing public access
- non-commercial / non-profit
- minimal liability costs
- does not require a development application
- no on-going liability risks
- aligns with the Principles of Crown land management
- does not compromise identified future use of Crown land
- minimal physical impact to Crown land
- no significant detrimental change to surface
- will not exist in perpetuity and require ongoing maintenance
Any short-term licence which fails to meet the 1A criteria and requirements will be recognized as a 1B short-term licence.
1B short-term licences may be issued to individuals, registered companies, community organisations and other entities and are commonly granted to authorise events or filming on Crown land.
What you need to apply
- a detailed description of proposed works/activities/events or use of Crown land
- proposed date(s) of occupation/use of Crown land
- site diagram including site location (i.e. Lot and DP) and approximate location of all activities
- copy of Public Liability Insurance ($20 million)
Companies or incorporated associations must be a registered company with ACN. Sole traders or partnerships must apply under their individual names are required.
You will also need to provide:
- a copy of the Certificate of Incorporation (from NSW Fair Trading) and minutes showing elected office bearers
- a recent company search (Australian Securities & Investments Commission) which lists company officeholders (directors and secretaries) and authorised signatories
You must submit the application for a short-term licence at least two months before the proposed starting date of the activity
Check the ePlanning Spatial Viewer to confirm the land is Crown land, its lot/dp and zoning.
Using the menu options in the search field select address or lot/dp – enter the relevant information.
Select land application map from the menu on the right side of the screen to access the Local Environment Plan (LEP).
You must check:
- lot/section/dp numbers are correct
- if the LEP requires a development application for your proposed activity
After receiving your application, the department may also request you to provide the following:
- evidence that supports environmental or community benefit/s.
- approval from council or other approval agencies
- other assessment of activity/works documents
Application fees are not applicable and are not subject to the payment of rent.
We will send you an invoice for any fees after we receive your application. Once you pay the application fee, we will process your application.
Most licences require an annual rent based on current market value. You will be informed of the amount after your application is reviewed.
Apply for a filming, events and short-term licence
The quickest and easiest way to get your application processed is to use the online form.
If you are unable to use it, complete the PDF version: Short-term licence application (PDF, 212 KB)