Crown Lands

Transfer Crown road/s online application

Before you apply

  1. Use the free ePlanning Spatial Viewer to check that the road is a Crown road.
  2. Prepare the supporting documents you will need to complete the online application form.

How to use the ePlanning Spatial Viewer

View instructions on how to use the ePlanning Spatial Viewer and identify LEP.

Supporting documentation

  • Copy of letter with council letterhead, giving consent for Crown road to be transferred to council.
  • Diagram identifying Crown road requested for transfer

Important information about this form

  • By selecting the Submit button, you have read and agreed to the department's privacy statement.
  • The fields marked with an asterisk * are mandatory and must be completed in order to submit the form.
  • After you have submitted your form, a copy of the application can be emailed to the address entered in the form or a copy can be saved or printed.