Crown Lands

Community Engagement Strategy

The community uses and benefits from Crown land, so it’s important for you to be involved in making the decisions on how land is enjoyed and managed.

The Community Engagement Strategy ensures decisions about the Crown land you use and enjoy are made in an open and transparent way. It does this by setting out engagement requirements for certain dealings (sales, leases, licences, permits and vestings) under the Crown Land Management Act 2016 (the CLM Act).

The strategy acknowledges that communities’ needs vary. Because of this, the department and non-council Crown land managers must consider a range of engagement approaches so we understand community views before making important decisions.

The Community Engagement Strategy began on 1 July 2018. The department and non-council Crown land managers must comply with its requirements.

The strategy contains engagement requirements for:

  • the 10 year State Strategic Plan
  • plans of management
  • changes to reservations and dedications
  • sales
  • leases
  • vestings
  • licences.

The strategy is supported by a guidance and resources document. This helps us determine engagement requirements and select appropriate ways of reaching communities that may be affected by a proposal.


More information can be found in the following documents.

Help for Crown land managers

Crown land managers must understand the strategy and its requirements. Contact us if you need help or have any questions.