Crown Lands

Proposed sale of part Crown land by direct negotiation in Mulwala

Aerial map of proposed sale of land at Mulwala


The department recently sought community feedback on the proposed sale by direct negotiation of part Crown land positioned between 156 Melbourne Street and the public recreation reserve located on Lake Mulwala at Mulwala NSW 2647. Submissions are now closed for this matter and the department will provide notification of outcome following final decision.


Aerial map of proposed sale of land at Mulwala

Crown Lands are considering the proposed sale of part Crown land, being Lot 398 in Deposited Plan 823321, by direct negotiation to the adjoining freehold landholder.

A sale by direct negotiation means that the department will negotiate exclusively with the adjoining landholder for the sale of the land as opposed to offering it for sale through a public competitive process.

The department was approached by the adjoining landholder with a proposal to purchase part of the Crown land adjoining their freehold land. The section of land proposed to be sold is occupied by the adjoining landholder under a tenure managed by the Crown land manager, Federation Council.

The department has assessed the subject land and have identified that it provides no current community benefit and has no known functional or strategic value to the department. A proposed sale by direct negotiation is being considered as the best option for the Crown land given its use and location.

Closing date

Submissions closed at Midnight on Wednesday 1 May 2024 (AEDT).

Important: note that all submissions will be published on the department’s website unless marked as confidential.

Community Engagement Strategy

Engagement on this proposed sale is a requirement of the Community Engagement Strategy. The Strategy has been developed by the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure to set an open and transparent framework for engaging the community about important decisions on Crown land. The Strategy acknowledges that needs vary between communities, and that a range of engagement approaches may be required to ensure community views are understood before important decisions are made.

Learn more about the Community Engagement Strategy.

Next steps from here

All community feedback is valued by the department. Your feedback will be considered in making a decision about this proposed sale.

The final decision will be published here and on What’s happening in my area.

Frequently asked questions

Where is the Crown land proposed for sale located?

The Crown land is identified as Lot 398 DP823321, located between 156 Melbourne Street and the public reserve on Lake Mulwala at Mulwala NSW 2647. The total area of the Crown land is 5,755 m2 and the proposed sale is for a small section of approximately 680 m2 in size. This section is a long, rectangular shaped strip located along the western border.

What is the Crown land currently used for?

The land currently forms part of a Crown reserve for public recreation; however, the section of the land proposed for sale is occupied under a tenure agreement and is not currently used for any public purpose.

Why is the department proposing to sell this land?

The department was approached by the adjoining landholder with a proposal to purchase part of the Crown land. The department has assessed this proposal and determined that the parcel of land has no functional community use. Therefore, the department are considering a sale by direct negotiation with the adjoining landholder as the best use for the part Crown land given the existing infrastructure, the size of the section proposed for sale and the location of the section.

What will happen to the current reserve if the sale proceeds?

If the sale proceeds, ownership of the section proposed for sale will pass to the adjoining landholder in freehold, following subdivision of the Crown land. Crown Lands will issue a notice in the NSW Government Gazette revoking the reserve in part and the land will no longer be Crown land.

How will the land be sold?

A proposed sale by direct negotiation with the adjoining landholder is being considered as the best and most appropriate option, given the nature, size and location of the land.

A sale by direct negotiation means that the department will negotiate exclusively with the adjoining landholder for the sale of the parcel as opposed to offering the land for sale through a public competitive process.

If the sale of the parcel of land is approved, the sale will be carried out in accordance with the sale or lease of Crown land by direct negotiation policy IND-O-182 V6.0 and the sale of Crown land policy IND-O-251 V3.0.

How is the value of the land determined?

Crown land must be sold at the current market rate as determined by a Certified Practicing Valuer. 

Once a valuation is conducted, it is reviewed by the department’s valuation services team to ensure that the determined price reflects current market value.

When will the department make a decision?

The department must follow the steps outlined in the Community Engagement Strategy. A decision will be made after the 28-day consultation period is completed and the department has reviewed all comments and feedback provided by the community and stakeholders. 

There is no guarantee that the proposed sale will progress.

How will the department consult the community?

The notification period for this proposed dealing is 28 days, commencing from 09:00 am Wednesday 3 April 2024 and closing at Midnight on Wednesday 1 May 2024.

You can view the notification on the department’s What's happening in my area.

The department encourages public submissions during this time. See below for more information on making a public submission. 

How can I make a submission?

Community members can make a submission by visiting our public exhibition webpage and completing the online form.

You can also send a written submission via Australia Post to the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure, PO Box 2185, Dangar NSW 2309.

Please ensure to include reference number #597610 in your submission so that we know where to direct it.

How will the department consider feedback and submissions in the decision-making process?

The department will review and evaluate all feedback received during the 28-day notification period with an emphasis on the importance that the land has and how it is currently used by the local community.

If the community raises issues that were unknown to the department, we may need to engage further prior to making a final decision.

The community’s views are important and will contribute to the final decision on the use of Crown land. More information is available on the department’s website.

More information is available from the website on the Purchase Crown Land and the Community Engagement Strategy.

How will the community find out about the decision?

The final outcomes and decision of the proposed sale will be published on the department’s webpage once a final decision is made.

All submitters will be informed of the decision once it has been made.