Crown Lands

Automatic Transfer of a Domestic Waterfront Licence online application form

Before you apply

  1. Determine the reason there is a change in ownership.
  2. Identify all parcels of adjoining or adjacent land.
  3. Identify those parcels of land that will benefit from this transfer.
  4. Prepare the supporting documents for this application.

Supporting documentation

  • A recent set of photos showing the current structures and area below the mean high-water mark
    • The photos must show the whole frontage and all structures presumed to be on public land, taken at high tide and at low tide, from offshore (if practicable) facing the property and from onshore facing the water.
  • Several photos of the interior of boatsheds if applicable

Next steps

Important information about this form

  • By selecting the Submit button, you have read and agreed to the department's privacy statement.
  • The fields marked with an asterisk * are mandatory and must be completed in order to submit the form.
  • After you have submitted your form, a copy of the application can be emailed to the address entered in the form or a copy can be saved or printed.