Before you apply
- This application must be submitted by the future licence holder(s) or a person authorised to submit on their behalf where the land has been sold or the current licence holder is deceased.
- This application must be submitted by the current licence holder(s) or a person authorised to submit on their behalf where the licence area is to be increased or additional purposes are to be added
- Use the free ePlanning Spatial Viewer to check the zoning of the land.
- If development is required, determine the appropriate planning pathway – visit Planning Approval Pathways.
- Prepare the supporting documents you may have to support your online application form.
How to use the ePlanning Spatial Viewer
How to identify the land zoning (PDF, 341 KB)
Supporting documentation
- A site diagram including site location, boundary fencing (where grazing is a purpose), existing structures including pipelines and pump sites
- If your proposal involves development (i.e., use of land, erection of a building/structure, carrying out of a work or demolition) on Crown land:
- You will need provide the required approvals as defined in the Planning pathways. Refer to “what you need to apply” section of the webpage.
- Letter of consent from the Local Aboriginal Land Council or NSW Aboriginal Land Council if the land is subject to an Aboriginal land claim.
- A Crown land Revocation of existing Tenure and issue new Licence - Current Licence holder/s consent form (PDF, 96 KB) signed by all existing licence holders and executors (where the licence holder is deceased) is required when the future licence holder is submitting this application.
- A current ASIC company search showing all the directors
- A certificate of incorporation and minutes showing elected officer bearers
- Evidence of authority to act where applicable
Next steps
You will be invoiced for the application fee once your application is accepted. There may be additional fees charged in the assessment process.
Important information about this form
- By selecting the Submit button, you have read and agreed to the department's privacy statement.
- The fields marked with an asterisk * are mandatory and must be completed in order to submit the form.
- After you have submitted your form, a copy of the application can be emailed to the address entered in the form or a copy can be saved or printed.