Crown Lands

Sale of Crown land

Generally, Crown land is not sold. When seeking to use or occupy Crown land, a licence or lease, should be considered and applied for first.

Park with wetlands

Do we sell Crown land?

Generally, Crown land is not sold.

If you are seeking to use or occupy Crown land, a Crown land licence or lease should be considered and applied for first.

A sale may be initiated by the department if:

  • it is the only reasonable means to rectify a significant property issue
  • it is not in the public interest to keep the land in the Crown estate or for the department to administer a licence or lease over the land.

Assessment Criteria

Crown land may be unsuitable for sale if the land:

  • is zoned or reserved for recreation or environmental purposes
  • has significant cultural and heritage value
  • is contaminated
  • adjoins a public recreation reserve or waterway
  • if sold would create access issues for adjoining land holders
  • is subject to an agreement or Aboriginal Land Claim under the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983
  • has not had Native title validly extinguished.

We balance social, economic, cultural and environmental factors, per the Crown Land Management Act (2016), to determine if a sale will progress.

This includes if the sale will:

  • lead to significant economic development and job creation for NSW
  • better service the needs of key stakeholders such as local government authorities, other government agencies and non-profit organisations that are providing core services for the NSW community
  • resolve property ownership issues where the sale of Crown land is considered in the public interest
  • address State or Crown Lands priorities
  • not reduce the public’s enjoyment of Crown land.

Sales proceed through an open and competitive process, with market value sought. In exceptional circumstances a sale by direct negotiation may occur. In such cases, in addition to the market value sought, the purchaser is required to pay all costs.  

We notify the community if we intend to sell Crown land. This is an important part of our commitment to transparency in decision-making and is a core part of our Community Engagement Strategy.

The What’s happening section of this website outlines any proposed sales of Crown land.

Submit an enquiry

Prior to submitting an enquiry, you must first ensure:

  1. You have read and understand all the information on this page, including relevant policies and
  2. You have used the Planning Portal ePlanning Spatial Viewer, to confirm:
    1. the land you are enquiring about is Crown land
    2. identify any Crown Reserve over the land and its purpose
    3. what the current zoning of the land is.
  3. The current zoning of the land and any environmental planning instrument (LEP) permits the proposed activities on the land.
  4. If you are seeking to directly negotiate, you meet the “fit and proper” criteria detailed in the Leasing of Crown land policy. To note:
    1. if you are using or occupying Crown land without a valid licence or lease, you will not have met the “fit and proper” criteria
    2. in this case, please consider applying for a Crown land licence or lease, before submitting a sale enquiry.

Sale of Crown land enquiry form