A NSW Government website

Notification of proposed compulsory acquisition of Crown land online application

The online form requires the following mandatory information and supporting documentation. We recommend you get the following information and supporting documents ready before starting the notification form.

  1. A detailed description of the proposed acquisition sufficient to understand its full extent and likely impacts
  2. A detailed site plan, diagram or survey showing the location of the proposed acquisition
  3. An Agents Authority to Act (if applicable)
  4. Results of a recent search by Office of the Registrar, Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 or advice from the Crown Land Aboriginal Land Strategy team showing that the proposed acquisition is not affected by an undetermined Aboriginal Land Claim (ALC) OR
  5. Evidence from the lodging Land Council of concurrence to the proposed acquisition and withdrawal of any ALC impacting the site/s of the proposed acquisition
  6. A geospatial search report from National Native Title Tribunal to identify registered Native title interests, or in the absence of a registered interest, a statement from the authority as to how relevant provisions of the Native Title act 1993 will be satisfied.
  7. For land that is a TSR, a letter of concurrence from the relevant Local Land Services branch
  8. For land identified as a crown reserve under management, a letter of concurrence from the relevant Crown land manager.
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File types include .pdf and .docx. File size includes up to 5Mb.

Acquisition Details
I/we seek to acquire lands/easements described below and/or shown on the diagram to be uploaded on the Supporting documents - Page 5:
Lot, Section   Area   Land    Lease   Easement
Lands / Easement

(Enabling Act that empowers Authority to undertake compulsory acquisition)

(The purpose of acquisition must be consistent with the purposes specified by the enabling Act).

Construction/Site Improvements

Project Details

Estimated number of jobs to be created - Full Time Equivalent (if applicable)

Supporting Documents

Note:  if you have more than one document to upload, please make one file for upload.


Additional Documentation

? Please note that the department will not be able to register the acquisition matter unless all mandatory documentation has been supplied.
