Moree Showground unveils new multi-purpose wool pavilion
Moree Showground has a new multi-purpose wool pavilion in time for the upcoming Moree Show after a $976,896 investment from the NSW Government.
Crown Lands provided the funds to replace the former pavilion, which served the local community for 130 years but had to be demolished due to wear-and-tear and extensive termite damage.
The new pavilion’s rustic design reflects Moree’s roots as one of NSW’s most celebrated agricultural regions. It is 23.5 metres long and 18-metres-wide with a ceiling more than 4 metres high, with the same Dutch Gable style of peaked roof as the old building.
The exciting new space will improve Moree Showground’s functionality and allow more events to be held, such as auctions, markets and various show competitions. The large, open space is also the perfect venue to host large-scale private functions such as weddings and birthdays, allowing the community to connect with friends and families while enjoying the showground’s rural ambience.
The new pavilion includes an office space for the Moree Show Society. This will give the show’s staff members a permanent base to administer events, including the prestigious annual show which dates back to 1874.
The Moree Show Society contributed about $30,000 in-kind work towards the project including to install barn doors, cupboards and benches, a refrigerator and air-conditioning for the office.
The new pavilion will be opened and the centre of attention on the first day of the Moree Show on 26 April when a barbecue cook-off competition is held around its perimeter.
Moree Show Society president Brendan Munn said:
“We are absolutely thrilled to have a new pavilion. It’s a beautiful building that will be Moree Showground’s showpiece. We are going to use the shed for luncheons, cattle and horse shows, and many other events that will bring our tight-knit community even closer.
“The new pavilion will also give the show society a place to call home and store its documents and office equipment. We are going to go from strength to strength, and I thank Crown Lands for their investment in our community.”
Crown Lands Executive Director of Land and Asset Management Greg Sullivan said:
“It’s terrific that the new multi-purpose wool pavilion at Moree Showground is complete and ready for the community and the upcoming show. This space will provide a large, open-air space for animal shows, school excursions, markets, and other such events that will benefit the whole community.
“Crown land is used to support showgrounds, parks, racecourses, environmental reserves, farms, marinas, caravan parks and more to help create thriving and sustainable communities across NSW.”