A NSW Government website

Clean-up to beautify riverfront at Fingal Head

08 May 2023

A section of the Tweed River foreshore at Fingal Head is being cleaned up with the NSW Government investing $15,000 to remove a dilapidated timber jetty and pontoon and clear rubbish from a former kiosk.


Former kiosk building
The former kiosk building


The investment will prevent the disused structures becoming a public safety hazard while beautifying the foreshore between Fingal Road and Fingal Head Boat Ramp at Tweed Heads.

The Tweed River is a beautiful haven for boating and swimming and this work will protect the river foreshore and make it look even better.


Fingal Head with the Tweed River in the background


The dilapidated jetty and pontoon no longer serve a useful purpose and removing these eyesores and clearing rubbish will restore the site for future use.

A large truckload of rubbish and waste was removed from inside and around the kiosk building, including kitchen benches, shelving and appliances.

Illegally-dumped rubbish was also removed, including more than a dozen hot water systems, washing machines and refrigerators.


Waste removed from site.
Waste removed from site


The riverside property is a Crown reserve and Crown Lands is funding the work. Its contractor, Soil Conservation Services, is expected to complete the work within a month. The department has no plans to remove the kiosk building, which has no signs of structural damage.

The riverbed in front of the site is home to seagrass that provides habitat for marine life. To protect the seagrass, the jetty will be dismantled from land rather than from a barge, with the jetty pylons cut to stumps rather than lifted from their footings.

Crown reserves play critical roles protecting the environment and supporting communities with everything from riverside reserves to parks, ovals, community halls and surf live saving clubs.