Crown Lands

Cancel an Enclosure Permit online application

Before you apply

  1. This application must be submitted by the Enclosure Permit holder, or a person authorised to submit on their behalf.
  2. The department may require you to undertake certain activities, such as remediation of land, removal of structures or payment of outstanding amounts prior to cancellation being considered.
  3. The cancellation of an Enclosure Permit does not waive any outstanding rent on the Enclosure Permit. Any amounts outstanding upon cancellation will continue to be a debt that is pursued by the department.
  4. Lodgement of this form does not guarantee that your Enclosure Permit will be cancelled.
  5. Prepare the photos you have taken to support your online application form.
  6. Prepare the other supporting documents you may have to support your online application form.
  7. Applications with missing information will not be accepted.

Supporting documentation

  • A Cancel an Enclosure Permit - Enclosure Permit holder/s consent form (PDF, 269 KB) signed by all Enclosure Permit holders.
  • Colour photographs showing that all rubbish has been removed and the land has been left in a clean and tidy condition.
  • Colour photographs and aerial image identifying the road via Six Maps showing that the public road or watercourse cannot be physically accessed due to the terrain, if applicable.
  • If you have received consent from the Department that occupation, usage, stock or structures (including gates and fences) can remain on the Crown Land, evidence is required.
  • Evidence of authority to act on the Enclosure Permit holder’s behalf where applicable.
  • A copy of a registered power of attorney where applicable.
  • If the enclosure permit holder is deceased and the application is being lodged by an Executor/Administrator:
    • A copy of the Death Certificate
    • A copy of the Will
    • A copy of the Probate or letters of administration
  • A copy of your Certificate of Incorporation (from NSW Fair Trading) and minutes showing elected office bearers where applicable.
  • A recent company search (Australian Securities & Investments Commission) which lists company officeholders (directors and secretaries) and Authorised signatories where applicable.
  • A copy of any other documentation to support your application.


  • To support the assessment of your cancellation request, the department’s preference is for any photos uploaded as evidence to be geotagged. 
  • If your device doesn’t usually have geotagging enabled, please refer to your device manufacturer’s instructions on how to activate this feature. 
  • After submitting your photos, you may want to disable geotagging again to ensure your privacy and security settings.

Important information about this form

  • By selecting the Submit button, you have read and agreed to the department's privacy statement.
  • The fields marked with an asterisk * are mandatory and must be completed in order to submit the form.
  • After you have submitted your form, a copy of the application can be emailed to the address entered in the form or a copy can be saved or printed.