A NSW Government website

Waste excavated at North Stockton beach

13 Jan 2022

The NSW Government has completed excavation of 3,800 tonnes of buried waste from a former City of Newcastle landfill site at North Stockton beach, after it threatened to create a pollution hazard due to coastal erosion.

It followed the exposure of geofabric covering a former landfill site which was operational in the late 1960s to early 1970s, and which had encroached on Crown land.

3,800 tonnes of waste including asbestos has been excavated with the site backfilled with fresh sand to restore the area.

The waste material removed from the site, near Corroba Oval across an area of about 30 metres by 15 metres, was taken away to the Summerhill Waste Management Centre.

The emergency work was carried out by Crown Lands with support of the Soil Conservation Service, Hunter Water and Environment Protection Authority.

Consultations on the work occurred with City of Newcastle and the Worimi and Karuah Local Aboriginal Land Councils.

Further revegetation work will occur to plant native plants on the site to support the rehabilitation of the natural coastal ecosystem.

Waste excavation at North Stockton beach
Waste excavation at North Stockton beach