A NSW Government website

Major restoration of Sandgate Cemetery chapel now complete

15 May 2023

Newcastle families now have access to a recently refurbished and more comfortable facility for people of all faiths to farewell and remember their loved ones with the completion of $715,863 in upgrades to the historic chapel at Sandgate Cemetery.

The chapel needed repairs to its pathways, timber doors, windows and frames. It had no power, lighting or working toilet.

The project repaired what needed fixing, removed asbestos and installed electricity, a disabled-access toilet, solar panels that can be used for audio-visual equipment, landscaping and signage.


Inside the Chapel after the upgrade
Inside the Chapel after the upgrade


Sandgate Cemetery is a Crown reserve and Crown Lands contributed $330,000 towards the upgrade from the Crown Reserves Improvement Fund.

The cemetery is managed by the not-for-profit Northern Cemeteries, which funded the remainder of the project cost.

Minister for Lands and Property Steve Kamper said the investment in the chapel supported jobs for Hunter tradespeople, injected money into the regional economy and will support the long-term viability of Sandgate Cemetery while providing a better venue for community groups.

“Crown reserves provide communities with land for everything from cemeteries, parks and ovals to showgrounds, museums and community halls,” Mr Kamper said.

"Crown reserves provide a home for facilities at the heart of the community, whether you're hiring a public hall for a family birthday party or wedding or farewelling a loved one.”

Built in 1936, the gothic-style chapel is a significant part of Newcastle's history with the upgrade restoring it to better than its former glory, allowing it to also host important public and community events in a comfortable and inspiring setting.


The Sandgate Chapel upgrade repaired paths, doors and windows and installed power. lighting, toilet, solar panels, landscaping and signs.
The Sandgate Chapel upgrade repaired paths, doors and windows and
installed power, lighting, toilet, solar panels, landscaping and signs.


The investment has boosted the viability of the 142-year-old Sandgate Cemetery by providing better indoor facilities to host funeral and memorial services, public events such as Anzac Day, and service organisations that assist the community, including infant loss groups for grieving families.

For more information, view Sandgate.