A NSW Government website

Grazing licence opportunity at Copeland

Lot details

The Crown land is situated on Scone Road, being Lot 185 DP 48795, with an approximate area of 14.11ha, in the Parish Bindera and County Gloucester. 

How to apply

Any person interested in this opportunity is invited to submit a proposal by following the instructions contained in the Grazing licence opportunities for Crown land at Copeland - information for applicants (PDF, 423 KB).

The Grazing licence EOI application for (PDF, 158 KB) is used to apply for a grazing licence under the Crown Lands Management Act 2016. Note: All applications are considered on their own merits. A number of factors are considered prior to a determination being made on which method of allocation to use. No guarantee can be given as to the outcome of any application under the provisions of the Crown Lands Management Act 2016. For more information, download the Grazing licence: standard terms and condition (PDF, 174 KB).

Closing date

Applications close Friday 19 July 2024 at 4:30 pm (Australian Eastern Standard Time).

For more information contact Charlie Low, Property Management Officer: